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Sam’s Story

Sam's Story

This article is one in a series of stories featuring real experiences, thoughts and feelings from young people living in Cardiff during lockdown. To see the other stories, please click here.


Q1. During lockdown, what is the most important thing that you’ve learnt about yourself?

I’m good at recognising and prioritising my own needs and learning new ways to feel truly connected with my friends and the outside world. Zoom isn’t the answer.


Q2. What has been your most memorable moment during lockdown?

All the months blur into one it’s not any specific moment. But collections of moments. The evenings I spent on call with my friends playing Minecraft or cooking with my family. I also really appreciated being active and outside when walking my dog in ways I hadn’t before.

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Q3. Explain what things that you miss most from your life before COVID-19. How will you not take them for granted in the future?

Working in a creative space and collaborating with others. I miss just being able to go to the studio in college and just make whatever I want and talk to people with art and make things with them. It’s a totally different experience than at home and one I really miss. And hugging my friends – I miss that too.


If you are affected by anything that has been mentioned in Sam’s story, please talk to Meic, a confidential helpline service for children and young people up to the age of 25 in Wales. Contact Meic in Welsh or English – it’s up to you! They are open 8am to midnight, 7 days a week. You can contact them by phone (080880 23456), text message (84001) or online chat. It is a free service for everyone.

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