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#MHAW17 – Poem: OCD Has A Hold On Me

By anonymous

A piece for OCD Awareness Week 2016 (Sunday 9th-Saturday 15th October).

OCD has a hold on me. I like to check the door, then the key:

Door handle-key, door handle-key, door handle-key, door handle-key…

“Wait, what am I doing?!” …

Door handle-key, door handle-key, door handle-key, door handle-key…

“I should try and stop this now and be free”…

Door handle-key, door handle-key, door handle-key, door handle-key…

“Argh, just one more, I’ll make this my last one”…

Door handle-key… “Nope, that’s not quite sitting right on me”…

Door handle-key… “Nope, I didn’t check the handle fully”…

Door handle-key… “Nope, the door might come free”…

Door handle-key, door handle-key, door handle-key, door handle-key…

“Wait, seriously, I need to break this hold on me.”

Door handle-key… “Is it the door, or is it me?!”

This and more stories of obsession will be performed aloud as part of #CardiffVexations, which sees an extended performance of Satie’s Vexations taking place around Cardiff from October till new year. All as part of a fundraiser for OCD UK, with such venues as Cardiff University School of Music, Porter’s Bar and the YMCA involved. 

Related articles:

All Mental Health articles written by young people

Related Info:

We’ve put down some of the best helplines, websites and organisations for information and help:

Mental Health

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