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The Lonely Isle: Brexit, The EU & The Betrayal Of Wales

The views expressed in this article are not necessarily the same as theSprout’s.

It has not been a very good week for those keen to remain in the European Union. I’ve never before seen the country so badly divided. Everyone is a politician now, but to see younger people engaged is very inspiring. If only the vote was from 16. If only…

[Related: EU Referendum: The Result | SproutNews]

I voted Remain for several reasons. As Michael Moore put it: “When you’re top of the Premier League, you don’t leave”. The young people of today should be left with a healthy relationship with our neighbours and not a decision left to old, crabby pensioners, who fancied one final “f*** da police” moment before their own demise. Our Pound has also taken a beating the last few days, just what our economy needed after years of unstableness.

The prospects of working abroad was always mouth-watering, as was the same for people from other courtiers to also enjoy this enterprise. So much bunk about immigration was used as vitriolic poison and continues to be a concern. No-one really has an answer to just how many immigrants can we take?

Owen Jones discusses Brexit and Donald Trump.

Travel is a thought usually in my head and I want to be able to get about with minimal fuss. I was in Paris in February and noted how pleasurable the journey was home on the EuroStar. How uncomfortable will travel be in the EU now? Will backpackers rage at the potential visas required now, as our passports are altered and our name on the world stage is tarnished? Placements for young people may be clogged for applications now with the changes. I’m keen to apply once again, before it may be too late.

As a continent, we should be united, such was the ethos after WWII. Bile from right-wing parties has spoken of the “Big bad wolf of Brussels” who gobbles up our money. Lies are cropping up about millions given to the NHS (God knows it needs it) and then Nigel Farage saying this was a gross miscalculation.

Perhaps the UK (united anymore?) should focus on the NHS and the appalling mental health services on offer as a key priority. David Cameron resigning should be a great event, but not if Boris may get in. Cameron has left his post and shall make others tidy up the mess. There are mixed feelings about this and Cameron still is the lesser of two evils for many people.

Jo Cox, it would appear, died in vain for the cause of the Remain party. Even with a murdered politician by a fascist, neo-Nazi, Remain couldn’t muster up enough sympathy votes to help us stay where we are. It’s an understatement to say the whole situation is just a blatant mess. Let Scotland stay within the EU and become its own country. Let them get on with it.

My utmost disgust for the awful vote from Wales, who are heavily-funded by the EU, couldn’t be louder. “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you” is coming to mind here. I doubt I’ve ever been so let down by Wales, the foetus nation clinging onto England in more than one way. I doubt we’ll ever see our own Independence vote for Wales in our lifetime.

The generational gap in voting polls speaks volumes. The baby boomer generation have the audacity to affect the future of this country with uncertainty and fewer opportunities. How could they do this to us? What sort of Wild West are we left in now? Time will soon tell.

This incoherent mess of writing is an attempt to express my disdain at the results and just how close it really was. Brace yourselves people. We can only fear the worst.

Oh, and if Trump wins, the world is doomed…

Has Youth Work ever been important to you? Share your experience 23rd-30th June 2016 for Youth Work Week to tell decision-makers, young people and others how important it is! You can share an article via theSprout or, in 140 characters or less, you can Tweet @YWWales / #LoveYWW!

Related Film & Info For Young People:

EU Referendum: The Result | SproutNews

EU Referendum: What Is It All For?

Exclusive Film: The UK’s Relationship With The EU

EU Referendum #1 | Interview: What Will Happen To The Science & Research Sectors Without The EU Grants?

EU Referendum #2 | Interview: What Will Happen To The EU Students If Brexit Wins?

EU Referendum #3 | Interview: Brexit Would Be Good For International Students

EU Referendum #4 | Interview: Why British Expats In Europe Should Be Given The Vote

EU Referendum #5 | Interview: How Will The Arts & Disabilities In Cardiff Be Impacted?

EU Referendum #6 | Brussels Tour | Interview: NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General For Emerging Security Challenges, Dr Jamie Shea

EU Referendum #7 | Brussels Tour | Interview: Chief Executive, The British Chamber Of Commerce In Belgium, Glenn Vaughan

EU Referendum #8 | Brussels Tour | Interview: ‘The EU: Political, Institutional and Constitutional Reform’, Prof. Martin Westlake

EU Referendum #9 | Interview: How Will The Erasmus Programme Be Impacted By The EU Referendum?

EU Referendum #10 | Brussels Tour | Interview: Chairman, The Welsh Society In Brussels, Rhodri Thomas

EU Referendum #11 | Brussels Tour | Interview: NATO Editor, Paul King: “In My Opinion, Brexit Damaging For The UK”

EU Referendum #12 | Brussels Tour | Interview: Mark Laity (NATO’s SHAPE): “War Will Always Come To You!”

EU Referendum #13 | Brussels Tour | “EU Funding Has Transformed Wales” – Welsh Expat & Ex-Civil Servant In Agriculture & Economy, Andrew Aggett

EU Referendum #14: Interview: Derek Vaughan, Labour MEP

EU Referendum #15 | Brussels Tour | Potential Brexit Impacts On NATO – Interview With Ian Stallion, NATO’s Nuclear Deterrent Department

In a muddle about voting? Check out our BRAND NEW Voting page in our Info section here. Includes handy tips on what to do if you’re too young to vote.

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The next Sprout Editorial Group meeting is Thursday 30th June 2016 in Cardiff Central Library

Image credit: wikimedia cc

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