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How Do Young Women Perceive their Career Prospects?



In its 25th year, Chwarae Teg is looking to the future. We want to hear from young women across Wales about their career plans and what they want the workplace to look like!

Since Chwarae Teg was established, much progress has been made in the gender equality and diversity agenda thanks to the persistent efforts of many people. Yet, gender inequality is still an issue in work and public life. Women are still underrepresented in STEM industries; women still earn less than men; women are still seen as the primary careers, and they happen to dominate most of the available part-time and low-paid jobs.

This picture shows that we still have a long way to go, but Chwarae Teg is as determined as ever to take the necessary steps to gender equality.

How you can help

Take our Survey

The survey will ask you for your interests, career aspirations, opinions about women’s career development, and explore where you see yourself in the next 25 years. All responses to the survey are strictly confidential. Take our survey here, it will take approximately 10 minutes to complete… plus you could win £50.

Join a focus group meeting!

We will hold focus group meetings across Wales as a part of the research. If you are interested in expressing your opinions in a friendly discussion, please get in touch with Chwarae Teg’s Research Partner Dr Hade Turkmen by email

To find out more about Chwarae Tag and the work they do, visit their website.

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