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Families First Freephone Helpline

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Have you heard of the Families First Freephone helpline?

You can ring it on 0808 800 0038 or text 80800 starting your message with FamiliesFF – but what’s it all about?

We chatted with Rhiannon from Tros Gynnal Plant, who run the helpline…

Hi Rhiannon, the helpline is there to help people find out more about Families First services in Cardiff, but what is Families First and what sort of services are available?

Families First is a Welsh Government funded programme providing a range of services to families. In Cardiff Families First is provided through six programme strands:

Child and Youth Engagement – providing services to families with children over the age of 8, such as housing advice to 16 & 17 year-olds, outdoor adventure activities for young people and their families, targeted activities to improve educational outcomes and wellbeing by helping families support children, Family Group Meetings, volunteer mentor training etc.

Disability Focus – providing a Disability Team Around the Family Service and such services as peer support, transition and subject specific workshops, a multi-agency advocacy service which promotes welfare benefits, direct payments and awareness raising / training etc.

Early Years – providing services to families with children under the age of 8, such as parenting support, 1-1 volunteer led, home-based family support, child parent relationship therapy to improve relationships between parents and their children, specialist domestic violence support services, maternal mental health services, post-natal depression support services, counselling services, young parents support service etc.

Families First Helpline Poster

Emotional Health and Wellbeing – providing such services as 1-1 counselling to young people accessing Careers Wales services to support them into education, training or employment, family intervention for families that have Asylum-seeker of Refugee status where emotional and mental health issues are impacting on family life, anti-bullying programmes, a therapeutic service for families who have experienced a significant impact on their wellbeing as a result of bereavement, support to young carers, primary to secondary school transition intervention for vulnerable young people and their families, a ‘one stop shop’ for young people and families in managing the transition from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services to Adult Mental Health services etc.

Healthy Lifestyles – providing services such as school based programmes aimed at reducing smoking amongst young people, weight management projects for young people aged 13-25, community-based, family-focused weight management projects for families with children aged 7-13 who are above their ideal weight, sex and relationships education and sexual health advice / support for vulnerable young people and the delivery of a condom distribution scheme, Strengthening Families Programme, a two-week play and respite scheme for children and young people with multiple and profound learning and physical disabilities etc.

Sustainable Employment – supporting parents to learn about the types of childcare available and how best to select one most suitable for their needs, money and debt management advice, literacy, numeracy and ICT training, 1-1 support to identify issues and needs and provide structured support to address these and build resilience, a three month training and support package aimed at improving confidence and motivational skills, life / transferable skills, Open College Network Vocational accreditation, volunteer opportunities and practical hand on experience as well as basic social skills, secure and manageable suitable, quality work placements to those searching for work as well as employers etc.

There is also a Team Around the Family service which will support families who wish to access four or more services and would like help with organising and coordinating their plan.

Further information about all the services can be found at or by ringing the Families First Freephone on 0808 800 0038 or Freetext to 80800 starting your text with FamiliesFF.


Why has it launched now?

The Families First Freephone is a new addition to the Families First services as we were finding that people weren’t sure about the different services and how to access them. So the Freephone was set up to provide information about Families First services over the phone and to visit families who would like support with understanding their needs and accessing the appropriate services.

Can young people use the line to find out information or is it just for parents and carers?

Yes, of course young people can use the service as well.

Is it free on mobiles too?

Yes, the Freephone is free from all landlines and most mobile providers and it is free to text the Freetext number.

Thanks for talking to theSprout!

That number again for the Families First Freephone is 0808 800 0038 or Freetext to 80800 starting your text with FamiliesFF

Related Article: Families First in Cardiff

Cover Photo Credit: Boris Thaser via Compfight cc

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