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Children’s Mental Health Week 2023

What is Children’s Mental Health Week?

The first ever Children’s Mental Health Week was launched by Place2Be in 2015 to highlight the importance of children and young people’s mental health. This year’s theme is Let’s Connect.

Why is connecting with people so important?

Connecting with others helps you not feel so alone.

Sharing your thoughts and feelings with other people, especially when you’re going through a tough time, helps to share the burden. The people you connect with can offer a listening ear and make you feel heard and validated.

This can significantly improve your wellbeing, and helps to support good mental health.

How can I connect with more?

We reached out to Meic, the national information, advice and advocacy helpline for young people in Wales to ask for their advice on connecting with people.

Connect with people around you like your family, friends, peers and neighbours. Instead of sending someone a text or commenting on their social media posts, call them or ask to meet up in person. That way, you can find out how someone is really doing and give them an opportunity to connect with you.  

You can also connect with strangers by smiling, saying hello or asking about their day.  

If you’d like to make new connections, consider joining a club or group so you can meet new people who enjoy similar things to you.  

Spending meaningful time with people every day can help you feel connected and less lonely, improving your wellbeing.  

Related Information

TheSprout’s Mental Health Information page.

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