I wish it could be Christmas every dayyyy!!!~ Are you sick of the Chrimbo bangers yet? It’s not ACTUALLY Christmas Day yet, so I hope not! What are you going to occupy yourself with in the meantime?
Here’s some ideas for what to do in Cardiff this week, whilst still saving up to buy Christmas presents for all your family and friends.
You will be thankful that things are a bit quieter now in terms of the sporting calendar, so even if you do have to venture out into cold, cold, Cardiff city, you’ll probably be able to get a seat on the train. (That is, if the trains are on time, which, because of a large number of trains being in for repair, they may well not be.)
Anchor Peoples – Preview
Thurs 29 Nov 6-8pm – Senedd – Free

This event is billed as an exhibition called “the People’s Senedd” and has been supported by the team here at ProMo-Cymru. It is a preview event for the exhibition which will remain in the Senedd gallery until 14 December. It features the faces and voices of participants in Merthyr and Riverside, Cardiff. Eventbrite for tickets.
Creative Mornings: Restart with Stephen Peckham
Fri 30 Nov 8.30am – Milgi – Free

If you’re creative minded, the monthly Creative Mornings events are the place to be. So get your lazy bum out of bed and get down to Milgi’s. I’m sure they can serve you something nice and vegan-y for breakfast. The speaker this month is Stephen Peckham, who after pursuing several different career paths has now restarted as a self employed plant seller. It sounds like a really inspiring talk, so- if I can get up in time- I will see you there… Tickets are available now and may even have sold out by the time you read this.
Why not pop in to Artes Mundi?
Ongoing – National Museum – Free

Every year Cardiff’s National Museum is host to a fantastic international art competition, Artes Mundi. Now in its eighth iteration, Artes Mundi is back and no doubt better than ever. If you’re at a loss for something to do, whether it’s a hot date or getting your nan out the house, you could do worse! Get down there, but no rush. Of course it’s right next to Winter Wonderland so you could even do both.
Technicolour: Seasons of Love!
Sat 1 Dec 7.30pm – O’Neill’s – £9
If you love musicals, the (adults only) Technicolour choir is going to be live in concert down on St Mary’s Street this Saturday. Maria from West Side Story meets Maria from Carlos Santana, and more. Get your tickets via Facebook.
Amnesty Secret Policeman’s Ball
Mon 3 Dec 7pm – The Big Top – £5
Cardiff Uni’s Amnesty Society promises a night of comedy, singing, and entertainment- and best of all, even though it’s a ball, you can wear what you like. Here is the Facebook event and here is the event on CardiffStudents.com.