Are you barmy for biking? See how you can get involved in National Bike Week 2021!
What is Bike Week?
Bike Week is an annual celebration by Cycling UK to encourage cycling. This year, bike week is between 30th May – 5th June. Every year, there is a different theme for bike week, with this years theme being health and wellbeing.

Why is cycling good for health and wellbeing?
Cycling is a healthy, fun and a low-impact exercise, making it a great way to keep fit and active. Riding a bike is fabulous because you can get to A-B much more quickly than walking. Being outdoors is great for mental health and wellbeing and cycling is a really handy mode of transport to explore the many wonderful outdoor spaces in Cardiff such as Bute park and Roath Park,
How can I get involved in Bike Week?
- Get involved with the World’s Biggest Bike Ride
- Take bast in the #7DaysOfCycling virtual event
- Don’t have a bike? Try out Next bike
- Learn how to ride a bike
- Check out Cardiff Pedal Power
- Get your bike fixed at repair cafe (or volunteer to fix bikes)
- Log your bike rides on the Bike Week website for a chance to win some great prizes
- Share your bike rides on social media using the #7DaysOfCycling and #BikeWeekUK hashtags