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Angharad’s Story

Angharad's Story

This article is one in a series of stories featuring real experiences, thoughts and feelings from young people living in Cardiff during lockdown. To see the other stories, please click here.

Q1. During lockdown, what is the most important thing that you’ve learnt about yourself?

I actually love spending time just me and spending more time with the family which made me closer to them and realised what I’d been missing by being busy all the time. I’ve learnt that I need to take a minute out sometimes to appreciate everything around me and because of how busy I was before I was missing out on these things.

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Q2. What has been your most memorable moment during lockdown?

My top memory was definitely managing to complete my degree during lockdown and then gaining a 1st class honours; that will be something that I never forget. But mostly, I think just how the community came together… getting shopping for the elderly, phoning your friends more to make sure they’re ok, virtual events to keep spirits up etc. Although we were apart, we were still together.


Q3. Explain what things that you miss most from your life before COVID-19. How will you not take them for granted in the future?

The thing I miss the most about pre-coronavirus times is the social side of life. I have always been someone that likes to meet up with friends and family to go on a night out, for a meal, a coffee or just a home catch-up. That’s what I can’t wait to get back to when all of this is over.


If you are affected by anything that has been mentioned in Angharad’s story, please talk to Meic, a confidential helpline service for children and young people up to the age of 25 in Wales. Contact Meic in Welsh or English – it’s up to you! They are open 8am to midnight, 7 days a week. You can contact them by phone (080880 23456), text message (84001) or online chat. It is a free service for everyone.

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