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RawFfest Countdown: 13 Days- Dan Foster, Placemaker

RAWFFEST, the Welsh Youth Arts Festival, is coming up fast! It’s going to be held in the Wales Millennium Centre in Cardiff Bay this year and is full of amazing workshops, shows and art from Welsh young people.

In the first of our series counting down to the show, here’s an interview with one of the Placemakers making the RawFfest magic work!

Name: Daniel Foster

Where do you live: Cardiff

What school, college, university do you go to and what are you studying? I am studying a Master’s degree in Drama at the University of South Wales.

Are you a Placemaker?: Yes, I certainly am!

To follow Dan’s RawFfest journey, give him a follow on Insta: @danfosteruk

Why is RawFfest important?

I believe that this RawFfest enlarges the voices of young people and is a great platform not only for youth artists today, but for the future generations in the arts! With the threat of cuts to the creative sector and the Welsh language simultaneously, there is a rising concern for youth engagement which may greatly affect participation within these two factors in the future, this needs to change!

What are the challenges you face planning a festival of this scale?

I would say the biggest challenge is the lack of knowledge. But that was easily overcome by gaining the incredible experience that RawFfest has to offer. An employer often wants experience from applicants, but we as young individuals are caught in a loop where we need the job in order to have the experience. RawFfest is a nice stepping stone that allows us to learn about the fundamentals of creating a festival as well as actively putting these skills to the test.

Has being involved in Raw Ffest changed you at all? If so, how?

Through planning RawFfest, I have been able to work on my basic skills such as communication and teamwork. But also, I have been able to pick up new skills such as artist liaison and venue management. RawFfest has positively affected my confidence which has allowed me to work more effectively not only within RawFfest, but in my home and work life.

Tune back in later this week for more RawFfest news- and follow our Twitter and Insta too for updates.

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