Grassroots Survey

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What Is The Survey About?

The Grassroots survey is a part of a city-wide research project, ran by Grassroots and The Hold Up, to find out what Cardiff young people’s creative and entrepreneurial interests are and what areas of their life they feel they need support with.

What Does It Mean For Me As A Young Person?

It means that you will have an opportunity to have your say on what opportunities Grassroots and The Hold Up should try to provide for young people like you in the city. It will give them the information they need to know where they should be focusing their efforts and what might be other key organisations to team up with to make the opportunities you want available to you.

How Do I Get Involved?

Well the first and most important way is to do the survey which can find here.

After that you can follow Grassroots and The Hold Up on Facebook and Twitter below to keep up to date with what they do with the findings

You can also share this article or the survey with your friends so that Grassroots and The Hold Up can get their chance to be heard just like you.

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The Hold Up Facebook

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